This recipe has been used more times than I care to admit. It has gotten me out of tight spots. I add chocolate chips to the batter after it is in the...
The maple syrup makes this a truly French Canadian recipe. This bread is so tasty and moist! Perfect to have with your coffee, or give as a homemade present....
This recipe is the original recipe from the great Redstone restaurant in Minneapolis, Minnesota. They are well known for their delicious cornbread and...
We love the taste of pumpkin in our house, and I bake with it all year long, these quick breads are just so moist and delicious, and with the addition...
You'll think you hit the jackpot when you take a bite of these babies. Happily healthy with whole wheat flour and other nutritious goodies, put your money...
Very yummy muffins courtesy of the can label off of the 365 canned pumpkin. I even substituted egg beaters for the egg, splenda for the sugar and applesauce...
A very old-fashioned basic quick bread using graham (or whole wheat) flour. My Grandma made it at all holidays... hence the name. She was born in the mid...
After making muffins this way I will never use a different recipe. You can use whatever fruit you want. I've made them with mangoes and blueberries, peaches...
This recipe comes straight from "The Sweet Potato Queens' Big-Ass Cookbook. Another one of those things where I'm gonna write down the recipe exactly like...
I found this through my electric co-op magazine and boy am I ever glad I did. Truly a nice moist quick bread. The key to this bread is obtaining a dark,...
Hoe Cakes were the first simple forms of corn bread in the South. Simple corn meal mixed with water and salt and then baked. Originally, Native Americans...
I've tried many variations of carrot muffins, and these are by far the best! They aren't too sweet, they have the perfect amount of carrots in them, they...
This savory bread is great with soups or pasta dishes! The recipe came from a cookbook called "Stand By Your Pan: Country Music Cookbook" by Diane Pfeifer....
This may be the most delicious pumpkin bread recipe I've ever baked. I came up with this for my brother's 18th birthday and it has been devoured in just...
A healthy, tasty muffin your family is sure to love. For the Greek yogurt, I highly recommend Oikos or Chobani. It lends a very delicate texture to the...
A basic banana bread recipe taken from a cookbook I pilfered from my Mom. I added the fresh cranberries which makes for a wonderful combination of sweet...
Moist and flavorful these can be made with oat or wheat bran depending on what you have. You can put your choice of nuts (my fav is walnuts) or dried fruit...
My kids have declared these "phenomenal!" The muffins are good in their own right but the spread gives them an incredible extra dimension. Please note,...
Found in a TOH magazine and clipped out to try! Boy was I ever glad I did. A lemony loaf of bread with the extra zip of dried cranberries. I've made this...
This all-rye bread, called matbrod or "food bread" in Sweden, is incredibly simple to make. The cumin seeds impart a unique but delicious flavour. You...
I could not believe the differences in all the refrigerator bran muffin recipes! This is the one my good friend Mary gave to me about 1972. It keeps well,...
This is my favorite pumpkin bread. There is obviously no shortage of pumpkin bread recipes here, as I had to look through a lot of pages to check for a...
My new favorite desserts are bread puddings made with croissants. Not low fat but rich and satisfying. As with any bread pudding, the mixture can sit up...